Understanding the neighborhood demographics informs the engagement efforts needed to reach all community groups and gives a glimpse into the daily needs and transportation modes desired. This informs engagement priorities such as a having a focus on renter populations and reaching all the diverse racial, ethnic and cultural communities through religious and cultural institutions and community liaisons.
The study includes portions of the North End and Frogtown neighborhoods. This area is home to a diverse population, with more than 70% of the population being people of color.
Rice Street has a vibrant history, diverse architectural stock, and cultural diversity that can be celebrated throughout development of the vision and highlighted in the final project.
Both the North End and Frogtown have more than 30% foreign-born residents. More than 45% of residents in each neighborhood speak a language other than English, with more than 27% that speak English less than “very well”.
To ensure we are effectively communicating and mitigating any language barriers, the project team will translate materials into multiple languages and have interpreters at events as needed.
Language Spoken
Businesses and jobs
Rice Street is a traditional commercial corridor that has served the surrounding neighborhoods and city for generations. The mix of businesses, including both neighborhood-serving and destination businesses, has varied over the years based on customers needs and preferences. Currently, there are 330 total businesses on Rice Street and 7,531 total employees. The largest number of workers are employed in the government and service sectors. As of 2019, the unemployment rate in the area was 8.2%.