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Committees & Subcommittees
Collaboration is a powerful tool for reform and is essential to the success of JDAI/Deep End in Ramsey County. We work to engage as many representatives of juvenile justice system stakeholders at as many levels of decision-making as possible. We define the term 'stakeholder' broadly to include juvenile offenders and their families, community members and service organizations, as well as agency leaders, elected officials, law enforcement officers and other front-line staff. The only requirements are a willingness to serve and experience with (or professional knowledge of) at least one aspect of the juvenile justice system.
We encourage and welcome community and staff participation on work groups; however, these are working meetings and are not appropriate for the casual observer. If you are interested in joining a work group or attending a meeting as a guest, please contact the appropriate work group leader or any member of the JDAI management team.
Please confirm meetings with a member of the JDAI/Deep End management team at least 24 hours in advance.
The Tri-Chairpersons are the leaders of the JDAI/Deep End initiative, representing the board of commissioners, the bench and the community. They are responsible for providing leadership and guidance to JDAI and Deep End reform.
The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
Stakeholders Committee
The Stakeholders Committee determines policy for the JDAI/DMC initiative using analytical approaches to decision-making, management and organization.
Meetings are held quarterly in January, April, July and October on the second Wednesday of the month from noon-1:30 p.m. at various locations.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is a group of leadership-level agency decision makers and community members responsible for providing guidance to the Stakeholders Committee on overall strategic direction and enacting the JDAI/Deep End plan of work.
The committee meets on the third Thursday of each month from noon-2 p.m. at the Juvenile and Family Justice Center.
Chairperson and Deputy County Manger, Anne Barry
Deep End Leadership Team
The Deep End Leadership Team is a group of Ramsey County decision makers responsible for discussing and implementing Deep End initiatives within the county.
The committee meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at Government Center East.
JDAI Coordinator, Ray Moss
Alternatives Governance Committee
The Alternatives Governance Committee is a group of leadership-level agency and community members appointed by JDAI/Deep End Stakeholders responsible for the oversight of county funds for the development of new or expanded alternative programming to detention and placement through the entire continuum of services for you involved in the Ramsey County correctional system. This committee is being guided by the recommendations from the Alternatives Subcommittee and will report to JDAI/Deep End Stakeholders.
This committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 12:15 p.m. at the Plato Building.
Deputy Director of Juvenile Services for Community Corrections, Michelle Finstad
Alternatives Subcommittee - inactive
The Alternatives Subcommittee is a group of leadership-level agency decision makers and community members responsible for recommending and assessing new or expanded alternative programming to detention and placement through the entire continuum of services for youth involved in the Ramsey County correctional system.
The subcommittee is currently inactive due to recent completion of a recommendations report, per charge from the Tri-Chair leadership.
Judge Patrick Diamond
Juvenile Defense Attorney, Amanda Weitekamp
Risk Assessment Instrument Subcommittee
The Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI) Subcommittee is a group of agency decision makers and users of the tool. The subcommittee is responsible for developing, monitoring and tracking the consistency of intake decisions and the accuracy of assessments.
The subcommittee meets quarterly in January, April, July and October on the fourth Thursday of the month from noon-1:30 p.m. at the Juvenile and Family Justice Center.
Director of Juvenile Division for Ramsey County Attorney’s Office, Kate Richtman
Deep End Data Reform Workgroup
The purpose of the Deep End Juvenile Justice Reform Data Workgroup is to identify critical information needed to guide juvenile justice reform. The group works to create routine and sustainable methods to collect, analyze and share meaningful and accurate information about juvenile out-of-home placement in Ramsey County. This data will inform the planning, process improvement and monitoring of deep end juvenile justice reform efforts. Deep-end youth are defined as moderate-high risk to reoffend and potentially eligible for out-of-home placement.
The committee meets on the first Thursday of the month from 2:30-4 p.m. at Metro Square.
Deputy Direct of Administrative Services for Community Corrections, Jennifer Schuster-Jaeger
Disproportionate Minority Contact Subcommittee
The Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) subcommittee is a group of community advisors, agency decision makers and technical support persons responsible for investigating racial disparities at key decision points in Ramsey County's juvenile justice system and develop, recommend, monitor and track effective policies and practices to reduce them.
The committee meets on the second Thursday of each month from 5-6:30 p.m. at Hallie Q. Brown Community Center.
- Community member, Joel Franklin
- JDC Supervisor, Sean Lewin