Public Health Data
Public health agencies regularly and systematically collect, assemble, analyze, and make available information on the health of the community, including statistics on health status, community health needs, and epidemiologic and other studies of health problems. These data are used to estimate the scope and magnitude of a problem, including the geographic and demographic distribution of health events that will assist public health planning.
Changing Climate
A Changing Climate in Ramsey County
This story map is an interactive application designed to tell the story of how health hazards are linked to a changing climate, and how they affect people in Ramsey County. In describing the county’s demographics, we show how parts of the population may be more vulnerable to certain hazards. The story map was designed to help guide conversations about how you can take steps to adapt to these hazards, as conditions change and new threats emerge. Along with providing background about Ramsey County and its current and future demographics, the narrative explains climate trends in Minnesota, the health hazards that present the most risk to Ramsey County, and the factors that can create vulnerability to the following four health hazards: extreme heat, poor air quality, flooding and ecological changes. It then describes the related health effects and populations that are most vulnerable to those hazards. The story map follows a more technical vulnerability assessment that was completed in 2016 [see below].
Climate Change Vulnerability Health Assessment
This assessment is designed to be a planning tool, to inform conversations around climate change adaptation measures in Ramsey County. It describes: climate change trends, how these trends directly and indirectly affect human health, characteristics that increase individual vulnerability to the effects of climate change, and geographic regions of vulnerability in the county. With a focus on six topics (extreme heat, air quality, precipitation, ecological changes, demographics, and psychological impacts), the report represents Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health's analysis of vulnerabilities at one point in time. As outlined in Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health's Strategic Plan, assessing public health vulnerabilities associated with a changing climate will be a continual process.
Community Health Assessment
2018 Community Health Assessment
The study of local population health, which identifies key health conditions and needs among county residents. The Community Health Assessment process includes community engagement about health experiences and concerns as well as data and trend analysis from a variety of sources. Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health publishes a community health assessment every 5 years with ongoing evaluation and updates as needed.
Study of Emergency Room Use
Study of Emergency Room Use by Ramsey County Residents
Study conducted by Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health on emergency department use by Ramsey County residents during 2010-2014.The study examined multiple questions including the degree to which emergency department use was potentially preventable It was developed by the Ramsey County Access to Health Services Action Team as part of its implementation of Ramsey County’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
Metro Shape Survey
Metro SHAPE 2014 Survey - Ramsey County Data Book
Metro SHAPE (Survey of the Health of All the Population and the Environment) is a joint project by eight metro public health departments that identifies local health issues in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Participating public health agencies include the City of Bloomington, Carver County, Dakota County, Hennepin County, City of Minneapolis, Scott County, Saint Paul-Ramsey County, and Washington County.
Ramsey County's Children
Ramsey County's Children (2012)
Selectively highlights emerging issues and trends in children’s health. This data book was developed by Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health to provide an easy-to-use collection of current and historical data on some of the most pressing health challenges facing children, their families and their communities.
- Ramsey County's Children (PDF)
Additional data sources
- Atlas of Minnesota Online-county level data
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Minnesota Compass
- Minnesota Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System
- Minnesota Health Access Survey
- Minnesota Health Statistics
- Minnesota Injury Data Access System (MIDAS)
- Minnesota Statewide Health Assessment
- National Health Data
- PolicyMap
- Ramsey County - Open Data Portal
Minnesota Student Survey: Ramsey County Data