Data Practices Responsible Authorities

Responsible Authority (RA)

MN Statutes, section 13.05, and MN Rules 1205.0200, subparts 12-15

  • Ultimately responsible for entity's data practices decisions and policies.
  • May appoint one or more designees to assist in meeting obligations.

Data Practices Compliance Official (DPCO)

MN Statutes, section 13.05, subd. 13.

  • Appointed by the RA.
  • Receives and responds to questions about data practices.
  • RA may also act as DPCO.
Scroll table right to see more
Entity Responsible Authority RA Designee and Compliance Official
Ramsey County (except as noted below) Ling Becker Deanna Pesik
Financial Assistance Services Ali Ali  
Social Services Tina Curry  
County Attorney John Choi Lindsey Millard
Sheriff Bob Fletcher Michael Whisler
County commissioners Each commissioner is their own Responsible Authority