2018 Program Report: Diversionary Work Program (DWP)

2018 Business Report. Side by Side: Achieving Goals.

The primary goal of the Diversionary Work Program (DWP) is to divert people from going into cash assistance by providing job search support for up to four months. Quick access to work-focused services enables participants to capitalize on their strengths and to identify and address barriers to work.

DWP counselors coordinate and monitor participants’ job search efforts through short-term case management, regular contact, access to support services, and referrals to on-site activities such as job skills workshops, job clubs and resource center use. Counselors also assist participants in identifying and addressing employment barriers. Families can participate in the program for four consecutive months. This short-term program does not count towards MFIP’s 60-month time limit.

Diversionary Work Program

Program year: Jan. 1, 2018 – Dec. 31, 2018
2018 program budget: $1,420,991.26


Featured Resident: Anonymous

Diversionary-Worker-(DWP) - Anonymous ClientOur resident started the Diversionary Work Program needing help with child care, transportation, job search assistance and motivation. She was assigned to employment counselor Larry Lee and employment case aide Will Mayberry.

Her employment team met on a biweekly basis. They conducted mock interviews, created and customized her resume, researched job leads, and she received that “hooray” she needed in these situations. She also worked with her employment counselor to secure child care and transportation assistance needed to minimize stress while navigating her career pathway. After two months in the DWP, she accepted a job as a patient care coordinator with Smart Choice MRI and is earning $15 an hour. Because of her successful career pathway choices, and the guidance working with Workforce Solutions’ Larry and Will, she was able to move off public assistance and on to her career pathway. A true DWP success!

  • Goal: Find help with child care, transportation, job search assistance and motivation.
  • Achievements: Able to secure reliable, safe child care and transportation through the Diversionary Work Program. Secured full-time employment.
  • Employment Counselor & Employment Case Aide: Larry Lee, employment counselor; Will Mayberry, employment case aide, Saint Paul.