2018 Chairman & Executive Director's Messages

Chair's Message
Karin McCabe
The Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County (WIB) is pleased to present our business report for 2018, highlighting major results and innovations in workforce development.
The WIB supports Ramsey County’s goals of well-being, prosperity, opportunity and accountability, as well as the mission and services of Workforce Solutions. The WIB also supports the business community’s need for qualified job seekers by championing Ramsey County’s goals for a vibrant community where everyone is valued and thrives. The WIB works side-by-side with the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the community to make Ramsey County a place where residents have access to resources to meet their goals, support their families and build a better, more prosperous Minnesota.
In 2018, the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County focused on streamlining work on a regional basis with an emphasis on the health and economic prosperity of all Ramsey County residents. As a region, we have the lowest unemployment rate - less than three percent - and an increased need to ensure that everyone can participate in the labor market. It is a time to recognize that no one can be left behind. Businesses depend on having qualified employees, so it is essential that we work together to increase participation in our workforce. It is important for businesses to be nimble and flexible to meet the needs of the workforce and continue to stay profitable in the current labor market climate.
The WIB will continue to focus on diversity and inclusion, offer equitable opportunities, invest in communities that were traditionally left behind, focus on talent attraction and retention, and ensure that our membership reflects the community we serve. As businesses address the changes in the workforce, are mindful of the wellness of their workforce, create inclusive work environments and provide opportunities for growth and leadership, a healthy workforce will impact their bottom line.
Best regards,
Karin McCabe, Chair
Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County
Outreach Director, McGough Construction
Executive Director’s Message
Leon Boeckermann
Dear Stakeholders:
It is my pleasure and privilege to submit for your review the 2018 Workforce Solutions Annual Business Report.
Workforce Solutions is the Ramsey County Workforce Development agency that operates on behalf of, and under the authority of, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and exists to serve Ramsey County citizens and employers.
Workforce Solutions serves employers as well as job seekers. We assist individuals in securing and retaining jobs through services such as career counseling, training and job placement. We also invest in youth through a variety of work, training and youth development services that help our young adult workers become productive members of our communities. Workforce Solutions also works on behalf of employers to assist them in filling open positions and retaining their employees. We connected more than 4,597 workers with employers in the 2018 program year. More than 1,500 of those employers have businesses in Ramsey County.
Eighty-three dedicated Workforce Solutions professionals work person-by-person, family-by-family and employer-by-employer to make a difference every day in the lives of Ramsey County’s citizens who benefit from the unique set of services we provide.
In the 2018 program year, Workforce Solutions served 10,560 individuals with job-related services through its staff and partners. Workforce Solutions has been able to meet or exceed all standards of performance required by our funders.
I would like to thank our many partners - the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County, the Saint Paul and suburban school districts, state and county departments, and the community organizations that partner with us and share our success.
Best regards,
Leon Boeckermann, Interim Executive Director, Workforce Innovation Board
Interim Director, Workforce Solutions