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Community & Economic Development
Ramsey County Community & Economic Development’s (CED) focus is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families by maintaining the existing housing stock, expanding homeownership and affordable housing opportunities, installing safe infrastructure, remediating brownfield sites, redeveloping under-utilized properties, strengthening businesses, navigating economic development resources and encouraging job growth.
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In March of 2021, CED released the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan with the help of extensive community and stakeholder input over the course of 18 months, in which they collaboratively identified gaps where county investment and coordination play a unique role in strengthening economic recovery. The plan is now a foundational document that will guide future CED programs and service offerings.
On behalf of Ramsey County, CED receives and manages entitlement funds from the following federal, state and local sources which get distributed across various department programs:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
- Environmental Response Fund.
- Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Levy.
- Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME).
- Statewide Affordable Housing Aid (SAHA).