School Attendance Matters (SAM)
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When I was in 9th grade, I started missing more and more school. I had always enjoyed school, but my mom was struggling and needed my help at home. SAM staff was able to get my mom the help she needed so I could stay in school and not worry about her. Now, I'm on track to graduate next year and am applying to college!11th grade student
I really felt supported by SAM. The help I received in setting up programs for my student was awesome.Parent of 11th grade student
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SAM gives us an added tool and resource to help our students and families. The majority of students referred to SAM improve their attendance and experience success in school.School staff member
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Education opens the doors of opportunity to good-paying jobs, paving our students' paths to successful careers. Without a high school diploma, many of our residents struggle to find work to make ends meet and, sadly, sometimes end up in the criminal justice system.
Thank you, parents and school staff, for working with us to ensure all our students are in school learning so they can graduate with the skills they need to succeed.
- John J. Choi
Ramsey County Attorney