Vadnais-Snail Lakes Regional Park Master Plan Community Feedback

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The public outreach phase of the master plan update has concluded. All comments have been compiled and used to influence the preferred concept.

The next step in the master planning process will consist of formal reviews with the Shoreview Parks and Recreation Commission, Shoreview Bikeways and Trails Committee and the Ramsey County Parks Commission. It will then be submitted to the Shoreview city council, Ramsey County board of commissioners, and the Metropolitan Council. The draft master plan will be made available for additional public feedback.

Please check back for project updates.

Preferred master plan concept

Concepts were created based on public feedback from community meetings where flood affected trail infrastructure was discussed. The county received excellent participation and feedback regarding the Snail Lake picnic area shelter and its possible future location. The preferred plan was modified based on this feedback.

This concept shows the proposed relocation to occur near the existing beach and lower parking area. It is anticipated that the parking lot would be reconfigured when the shelter is relocated to potentially add additional parking and update the stormwater infrastructure. This will allow the new small shelter to be located along the lake, near where it is currently, but at an elevation unlikely to flood. The development site may also feature a new sand volleyball court or other amenity to complement the shelter and beach.

Preferred Concept Features

Wetland A

  • Fixed boardwalk is proposed on the east side of Wetland A; could be installed in phases.
  • Existing paved trails on the east side of Wetland A will remain paved.  In the future, if repairing paved trails is problematic, the trail will be converted to a natural surface trail. 
  • Alternative trails to bypass flooded tunnels at Snail Lake Blvd. and Gramsie Road with at-grade crossings.

Grass Lake

  • East and north side paved trail to be realigned to accommodate flood infrastructure, and Metropolitan Council Environmental Services trunk sewer line and maintenance access.
  • Boardwalks on the west and south side to complete a trail loop around the lake.
  • At-grade crossing at Gramsie Road for tunnel bypass.

Snail Lake picnic area

Shelter - revised

  • The Snail Lake preferred small shelter relocation area plan has been revised based on community feedback.
  • The small shelter would be reconstructed in the future near the beach building.
  • The parking lot would be redeveloped with improved ADA access.
  • Additional turf area would be added along the beach and future shelter.

Boat launch

  • The boat launch location will remain unchanged and in its current location.
  • Future reconstruction will look at raising the launch and parking facilities to accommodate higher water levels.


Short term solutions

Ramsey County Parks & Recreation looked at possible short-term solutions for the flooded sections of the Wetland A trail system. The flooded area is approximately 1,200 feet with water elevations that fluctuate.

After considering alternatives such as trail raising and temporary boardwalks, the only option that will meet permitting and floodplain requirements, codes and ADA guidelines (other than a fixed boardwalk) is a floating boardwalk. However, a floating boardwalk presents issues with ramping on either end when water elevations change.

The cost of the floating boardwalk is also found to be equal to that of a fixed boardwalk which could be the permanent solution.  In light of these findings, the county will not pursue funding to complete a temporary solution.  Instead, the preferred alternative shown above could be installed in phases.  This allows for a flexible solution to seek multiple funding sources over several years.