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Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan
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Ramsey County is guided by a comprehensive economic development strategy, centered on equitable growth and strengthening economic competitiveness.
This strategy prioritizes inclusion in future investments and other actions related to housing, job creation, workforce development and place-based investments, while responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
The actions in this strategy were informed by extensive community and stakeholder input from throughout the county. Thank you to the many individuals and organizations who informed and shaped this plan.
View the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan (PDF)
View by section online
- Background and Introduction
- Ensure Place-Based Inclusion and Create Resilient and Equitable Communities
- Foster Economic Competitiveness, Innovation and Transformation
- Fiscal Health
- Acknowledgements
If your community organization can help the county leverage resources to advance this plan, please reach out to the contact on this page.