Environmental Center

Location and hours

Opens April 1, 2025

1700 Kent Street, Roseville

Tuesday-Friday: 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m
Closed: County holidays and Christmas Eve.


Other services

Helpful resources

The center is part of Enhancing Environmental Health Services, a county initiative to redesign and add recycling and waste disposal services to better meet community needs.

Note: There will be no mobile sites in 2025.
Ramsey County’s household hazardous waste program will move to the new Environmental Center on April 1, 2025. Read more.

Note: All existing county food scraps drop-off sites will remain open.

Environmental Center overview

Watch this video to learn more about plans for the Environmental Center. 

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Ramsey County evaluated how it provides household hazardous waste services in 2020. After analyzing feedback from community, the county is making plans to restructure its programs to better serve residents.

Residents said they wanted a year-round, accessible household hazardous waste (HHW) program. The county is redesigning its HHW program to be anchored in a new Environmental Center the county will build.  

Learn more

About the site

In selecting a proposed site, the county looked for a central location close to a major road, approximately five acres in size, and that didn’t require substantial costs for demolition of existing structures.

Since Ramsey County is nearly fully developed, there were few available sites that met all these criteria and our goal for accessibility and health equity. The site at 1700 Kent Street in Roseville is the location identified that best meets all these needs. 

The county conducted a traffic assessment to ensure minimal disruption to the surrounding area – assessment pointed to an anticipated 3% increase traffic along Larpenteur in the area.

While Ramsey County anticipates the need to remove the non-native, aging evergreen trees along Larpenteur, the county intends to replant with adaptive, native species. More trees will be replanted at the site than removed.

Learn more about tree removal at the site.

Funding source

Funding comes from the county's solid waste fund balance which must be spent on Solid Waste Plan strategies. Dollars for the fund are generated by the County Environmental Charge (CEC), which has trash-hauling service fees of 28% for residential customers and 53% for non-residential customers. Ongoing operations cost will be built into the Environmental Health division budget.

Learn more about the CEC

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Meetings & Events


Earth Day giveaways to first 200 participants.

11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Ramsey County Environmental Center

Neighbors of the new Environmental Center are invited for an evening tour of the facility. 

6-8 p.m.
Ramsey County Environmental Center

Bring in your small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more to receive free guided assistance from volunteers with repair skills to fix them. Three item limit. Last items accepted at 12:30 p.m.

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Ramsey County Environmental Center

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Graphic: The words "climate action" in white on a navy blue background.

This project is part of the county's climate action work.